10 events found.
End of Fees Grace Period
End of Fees Grace Period for all students
Mid-term Examinations
Mid Term Examinations
Preparation for Sports Day
Binugu International StadiumMount Sinai International School will host a Sports Day on 24th February 2018 at Bingu International stadium from 8:00Am. But before that will have a Field Events on 21st February 2018, at Mount Sinai International. As a way of preparing for this great day, different houses (Panther, Cheetah, Leopard and Puma) are practicing before the […]
Sports Day (Middle & High School)
Sports Day (Middle & High School)
Sports Day (Junior School)
Sports Day (Junior School)
Martyrs Day (Public Holiday)
Martyrs Day (Public Holiday)
Mock Examinations IGCSE
Mock Examinations IGCSE
IPP/Checkpoint Mock Examinations
IPP/Checkpoint Mock Examinations
End of Term Exams (Whole School)
End of Term Exams (Whole School)