What is special needs?

Special needs is a general term for children who need some form of extra help and assistance. It may also be used to describe children with an impairment or medical condition.


Roles of a Special Needs Teacher

  • Identifying the needs of assigned students through formal and informal assessments.
  • Review referral data, history and assessment data to develop appropriate goals and objectives for each student.
  • Confer with general education teachers regarding the social, emotional and physical needs and objective of each student.
  • Plan develop and implement individualized learning plans for each student
  • Design appropriate teaching strategies
  • Prepare instructional materials and lesson plans according to individual education plan (IEP)
  • Monitor, Evaluate and document each student’s progress.
  • Utilizing appropriate measurements and assessment devices.
  • Prepare timely progress reports for each child/ student.
  • Develop and implement necessary interventions and strategies to promote achievement of student objectives.
  • Collaborate and consult with general school personnel regarding the IEPs and special education services.
  • Modify and adapt conventional educational requirements of Special Needs students.
  • Maintain regular communication with parents by means of email, phone calls, conferences, progress reports and communication book.
  • Assist parents with understanding and supporting educational objectives, learning expectations and behavior standards.
  • Ensure adherence to reasonable rules of classroom discipline and order to maintain a secure and effective learning environment.
  • Manage students’ behaviour through monitoring, supervising and assessing behavioural patterns (behavior management).
  • Utilize appropriate corrective methods to modify behaviour.
  • Develop and implement behavioral intervention plans where necessary.
  • Prepare special needs students inclusion and transition to mainstream.


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